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Aims of Fixing for a Future

  • Increasing understanding of climate change in the local community and beyond

  • Facilitating discussion about climate change

  • Promoting the circular economy

  • Enabling an increase in skills to repair belongings

  • Encouraging an ethos of reducing consumption, waste to landfill and CO2 emissions

  • Creating a better informed, more resilient community


April 2022-April 2024

‘Fixing for a Future: Intergenerational Skill-Sharing in East Lothian’ is currently funded by the National Lottery Community Fund

  • To continue and develop East Linton Tool Library

  • To run a Repair Café every 2 months at East Linton Community Hall and other community halls across East Lothian

  • To deliver 72 workshops (12 blocks of 6 weeks) in electrical, textile, furniture, and bicycle repairs to younger people, some of whom are vulnerable, to develop their experience and confidence and help them into employment and training. (East Lothian Works will be referring young people to attend workshops across East Lothian). 

  • To provide informal support from our Tool Library and Repair Café volunteers to those younger people.  


April 2020-April 2022


Between April 2020 and April 2022, Fixing for a Future was funded by the Climate Challenge Fund. 

Our original plan, prior to Covid-19, was to deliver:

  • 24 monthly Repair Cafes

  • 10 series of Skills Workshops (2 joinery, 4 clothes repair and 4 bicycle repair)

  • Training to 8 people to become Carbon Conversation Facilitators

Due to Covid-19, between April 2020 and April 2021 we altered and adapted our activities and delivered the following to the local community:


  • A series of online conversations focusing on themes of Consumption; Work & Use of Time; Nature and Environment

  • A series of online sewing classes for beginners, delivered by Sheena from Seams Sew, a Dunbar-based business

  • 6 Carbon Conversations, delivered to community groups in East Linton and Dunbar (following the completion of online Carbon Conversation Facilitator training by 8 people)

  • 2 Bicycle Repair Cafes at The Mart, East Linton

  • A series of interviews with local people involved in repair, reuse, recycle initiatives

Between April 2021 and April 2022 we established East Linton Tool Library and delivered a range of Skills Workshops to the community, teaching skills in the repair of textiles, clothing, furniture and bicycles.

You can find out more about all of these activities - and more - in our blog.

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